Based in Manchester, UK

Based in Manchester, Eventum Legal are criminal law practitioners supporting the accused and defending false sexual offence allegations. Finding yourself under investigation for an offence of a sexual nature is distressing, career damaging, and can have a profound affect on family life.

We are here to support you, and to provide you with the very best legal advice and representation from the day you find yourself under police investigation to the rebuilding of your life, because your matter, matters to us. We take pride in the way in which we care for our clients and we excel in ensuring we achieve results.

We are one of few law firms who specialise in representing individuals throughout England and Wales accused of
serious sexual offences including false rape allegations, indecent image offences, sexual assault, and alleged offences against children such as sexual communications with a child and grooming offences.

Our team also defend allegations of domestic violence. Sexual offences and domestic allegations are often intertwined and our dedicated lawyers have a proven track record of successfully defending clients across the country in these types of cases.

Our services extend to supporting clients through disciplinary proceedings arising as a result of criminal proceedings, and our dedicated youth lawyers represent and support children accused of sexual offences and students who face misconduct proceedings within their educational setting as a result.

If you would like to have a confidential discussion with our lawyers about your case, please contact us free of charge by phone 0161 706 0602 or complete our contact us form. Our lawyers will be pleased to provide you with advice and guidance on the next steps we can take to achieve the best outcome for you.

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Speak to one of our lawyers today

Contact Us

Youth Offending

We are members of the Youth Justice Legal Centre, our lawyers have undergone additional training to represent children and young persons in the justice system.

Domestic Violence

Domestic abuse allegations often intertwine with allegations of a sexual nature, we are here to provide advice and support during all domestic abuse allegations.

Police Investigations

Our lawyers have a proven track record of successfully defending clients before they are charged, avoiding court and ensuring our client's reputation is protected.

Going to Court

Going to court is not easy, we are here to guide our clients through the process and defend their position


At Eventum Legal, we understand how critical appeals are in ensuring justice is fair, and those wrongly convicted or sentenced excessively are heard.

About Us

Owner of the company

Discussing your case with one of our lawyers is easy; leave your details on our contact us page and we will be in touch, or you can call us now on 0161 706 0602. Our initial advice is free and there is no obligation to become our client.

We are criminal law practitioners providing legal advice and assistance to those accused of serious sexual offences and offences arising from allegations of domestic violence. 

Having worked in law firms throughout the North West for many years, our Director, Jessica Wilson strongly believes in building a law  firm which puts people before their profits, whilst providing excellent legal advice and genuine care for securing the best possible outcome for our clients.

At Eventum Legal our criminal defence lawyers have worked on some of the most high profile cases throughout courts in England and Wales, and are dedicated to providing strong legal representation with a personable approach to all clients whatever their age, background or circumstance.

With over 15 years of experience we have built relationships with some of the country's leading barristers and forensic experts, we can bring a highly knowledgable and dedicated team together to ensure your case is robustly defended and your reputation is protected.

"Jessica always made herself available whenever I needed reassurance ranging from legal to emotional, and acts in her role with humanity and compassion that goes well beyond the excellent, savvy legal advice and direction she is paid to provide. " - Client review

 Our practice is built on a foundation of core values that guide our every action and decision:

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We think big & go beyond the basics. Fighting tenaciously for our client but applying a compassionate approach. 

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We are outcome driven

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We put people before profits - client & staff 

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We are not afraid to challenge external factors impacting our client's case 

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We provide honest and realistic advice

At Eventum Legal, we stand alongside you as dedicated partners, fiercely committed to defending your rights, safeguarding your reputation, and securing your future.

Our Service Pledge

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We will cater for any special needs that you have. 

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We will always call you when we say we are going to do so.

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We will be transparent on costs - you will get no surprises.

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We will not use legal jargon. 

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We will update you regularly, even if it is just by a quick call or email.

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We will acknowledge receipt of everything you send to us. 

News & Updates

Lady sat a desk writing
By Jess Wilson 04 Sep, 2024
Our friendly team of dedicated lawyers have a strong passion for protecting our clients and defending their case, working together to achieve the best possible outcome, this advice and support extends to professionals who, aside from police investigation, are also investigated by their regulatory bodies
Person holding a mobile phone with the Telegram App Displayed
By Jess Wilson 31 Aug, 2024
Telegram: The Dark Web in Your Pocket, a recent article published by BBC News has set out to explore the issues with the Dark Web and how accessible it is via the app Telegram. The article addresses the accessibility of indecent images of children on Telegram and the lack of moderation by Telegram of illegal activity.
Lady sat at a desk looking at a computer
By Jess Wilson 29 Aug, 2024
Being charged with a sexual offence means that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) have considered the evidence in your case and made the decision to pursue a prosecution through the courts.
Prison Sentence
By Jess Wilson 27 Aug, 2024
Rape is a serious offence which carries a maximum of life imprisonment, however is life really life and what other sentences are available to the court?
The letters q and a are on a brown surface.
By Jess Wilson 23 Aug, 2024
Allegations of domestic violence are serious and can prevent a person from living in their home and with their children. This blog explains the some short facts about the consequences of a domestic violence allegation.
A group of people are dancing at a music festival with their arms in the air.
By Jess Wilson 20 Aug, 2024
It is the time of year when music festivals are taking place across the country, thousands of people are gathering to socialise and enjoy the events. However, crime reports suggest that there is a huge increase in sexual allegations made at music festivals by people of all ages. This leads to arrests, police investigations and prosecutions.
A person is holding a cell phone with social media icons on the screen.
By Jess Wilson 19 Aug, 2024
Almost all people own a mobile phone in this day and age, they have replaced the traditional home phone land line, and make communication much easier and quicker. A mobile phone also provides us with various ways of communicating such as via text message, what’s app, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat to name a few and allow for multiple participants to be involved in a conversation.
A person is praying with their hands folded over their head.
By Jess Wilson 15 Aug, 2024
Your case has concluded, you have been found not guilty or the decision has been made to take no further action however, you are left with the record of your arrest which, may be affecting your employment, ability to rent a property, apply to go to university or travel. It may also be that you just feel that it would be unfair for you to live with a criminal record, having not been charged with or convicted of a criminal offence.
A person is typing on a laptop computer in a dark room.
By Jess Wilson 13 Aug, 2024
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing, particularly for the production of indecent images and videos of children. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has recently prosecuted the first case of its kind for Greater Manchester Police, the case of Hugh Nelson, who amongst other sexual offences, stood charged with offences which involved producing indecent material using AI. It was alleged that Mr Nelson used real photographs of children to turn them into sexual images, he would sell and distribute the material online.
A man is sitting on the edge of a building at night.
By Jess Wilson 11 Aug, 2024
Petition for more Rape Cases to be Prosecuted - What Could This Mean for the Accused?
A drawing of a person 's head with arrows coming out of it.
By Jess Wilson 07 Aug, 2024
The Difference Between a Psychiatric and Psychological Report in Criminal Proceedings
A close up of a camera with a blue background
By Jess Wilson 29 Jul, 2024
Huw Edwards Charged with Making Indecent Images - What Will Happen Next?
A question mark drawn in white chalk on a blackboard
By Jess Wilson 28 Jul, 2024
Consent can be a complex issue in sexual offence cases, our blog explains what consent is and the implications.
A person is holding a pair of handcuffs in their hands.
By Jess Wilson 27 Jul, 2024
When under investigation for a sexual or domestic violence offence, a suspect is likely to be placed on pre charge bail. Understanding the legal implications and how you can challenge bail is important.
A red piggy bank is sitting on a green surface.
By Jess Wilson 22 Jul, 2024
The Difference Between Legal Aid and Paying Privately
A cell phone with a lot of apps on it
By Jess Wilson 19 Jul, 2024
You have been arrested, the police have attended your home or place of work with a search warrant allowing them to enter the relevant premises, search for potential evidence and to seize it for examination. If the commission of sexual offences is suspected, then it can be almost guaranteed that some if not all of the items seized will be electronic such as; phones, tablets, computers, hard drives, cameras and USB devices, all of which may be password protected. You can then be faced with the dilemma of whether or not you provide your passwords/PIN to the police, and if you even have to by law.
A silhouette of a person standing in the fog.
By Jess Wilson 18 Jul, 2024
Allegations of domestic violence carry significant consequences for the accused, in addition to the possibility of losing their liberty, the social stigma that comes with allegations of violence within the home can cause irreparable damage to relationships, employment, travel/VISA problems and a persons reputation. Social and Personal Consequences Accusations can lead to widespread social exclusion, as domestic violence is widely condemned. Friends, family, and community members may distance themselves from the accused isolating them from their social norms. Reputational Damage An accused's personal and professional reputation can be severely tarnished. Even if proven innocent, the accusation alone can leave a lasting negative impact on a persons ability to begin new relationships, commence or start employment. It is therefore, your lawyers handle your case in a way which considers the reputational issues that may arise and manages those appropriately. Impact on Mental Health The stress and emotional toll that being accused can lead to anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. It is normal to feel isolated when going through an investigation, and it is expected for them to feel unfairly judged. Instruct a lawyer who can guide you through the process step by step and who will dedicate their time to ensuring the correct level of client care is provided to you. Our team at Eventum Legal have undertaken mental health awareness training, our staff can support and sign post you to services that can help. Legal and Financial Consequences The accused facing criminal charges face the prospect of a lengthy court process to prove their innocence. The consequences should the accused be convicted could lead to imprisonment, retraining orders being imposed and other mandatory orders being placed upon them by the court which can restrict their life, and again relationships with their loved ones and in some cases children. The financial strain of of the legal challenges can result in significant hardship, but financial strain may also be caused by the loss of employment. It is important to work with your legal team to assess how your financial situation may be impacted due to a false domestic violence allegation. Family and Relationship Strain Family dynamics can be severely impacted, sometimes at no choice of either party. If you have been accused of being violent in a domestic setting against someone close to you, this could lead to estrangement from family members, loss of contact with children or restrictions on your ability to see or care for your children. You may also be prohibited from going to a certain area, or collecting your children from school. The allegations may also cause issues in new relationships such as trust issues, and the trauma for the accused can make it very difficult to form future relationships. We often find that alongside criminal allegations relating to domestic violence there are family proceedings ongoing. We fully acknowledge that false allegations can be made to bolster family court claims whether they be ongoing financial disputes or child custody battles. It is important that you instruct lawyers who are aware of the impact criminal proceedings can have on family court proceedings and vice versa. Societal Perspectives Reactions by society can cause immense issues in domestic violence cases due to the gender stereotypes that influence the thoughts of society. Men are often assumed to be the perpetrators, while women are presumed the victims, complicating the situation for both genders. Social Media In today's society social media massively impacts public opinion and can often exacerbate the situation between the accused and the complainant. Social media can amplify the stigma surrounding domestic violence leading to widespread condemnation and misinformation. If you are accused of such an offence, it is important you keep records of any social media posts that may be relevant to the allegations against you. The Importance of a strong Defence and a Fair Trial Early legal advice and representation is crucial in preventing the injustices of being wrongly accused of domestic violence, and also the consequences above. at Eventum legal all of the above are at the forefront of our minds when we are representing our client, preserving their reputation, their relationships with loved ones and their children and ensuring the evidence is carefully considered and challenged. If you have professional bodies involved in the allegations against you, or there are separate proceedings in the family court, we can work with employment lawyers and family lawyers to protect your legal interests in all courts.
A statue of justice is on top of a building.
By Jess Wilson 15 Jul, 2024
Consent is what separates legal sexual activity from sexual assault (unwanted touching of a sexual nature) or rape (unwanted sexual activity involving penetration). Consent is a key ingredient in the most serious sexual offences; rape, sexual assault by penetration and sexual assault.
A scale of justice is sitting on a wooden table next to a gavel.
By Jess Wilson 12 Jul, 2024
What to Expect at Trial
A blurry picture of a person talking on a cell phone.
By Jess Wilson 11 Jul, 2024
What is Domestic Violence?
A man in handcuffs is sitting at a table with a man in a suit.
By Jess Wilson 09 Jul, 2024
Takin a pro active approach is crucial to defending a rape allegation, there are many avenues your defence team can take to bolster your defence and undermine the complaint.
A black and white drawing of a church with a blurred background.
By Jess Wilson 06 Jul, 2024
A Section 28 hearing is a special measure applied for by the Crown Prosecution Services in most sexual offence cases. This blog explains exactly what a section 28 hearing is and the rules surrounding them.
A man is holding his head in his hands in front of a cloudy sky.
By Jess Wilson 30 Jun, 2024
Our membership with the Youth Justice Legal Centre, allows us to provide the very best informed advice to our youth client. Here are some of the frequently asked questions our clients and enquiries ask of us.
A man in a black shirt is standing in a dark room.
By Jess Wilson 26 Jun, 2024
A lot of children plead guilty when they are not for various reasons ranging from trauma and anxiety - wanting the process to be over as quickly as possible or, to protect others due to being involved in exploitation such as sextortion. Lawyers must be aware of this and ready to identify the potential needs of the child and experiences they are going through in order to provide the best representation.
A blurry picture of a person talking on a cell phone.
By Jess Wilson 11 Jun, 2024
Our lawyers have undertaken specialist training with the National Autistic Society, training that is vital for providing assistance to people with autism who find themselves under police investigation or going to court accused of a criminal offence.
A statue of justice is on top of a building
By Jess Wilson 10 Jun, 2024
A criminal trial can be a very daunting and an intimidating prospect for many whether it be a trial in the Magistrates Court or at the Crown Court, for various reasons the whole process can cause both physical and mental affects on a defendant’s health.
A woman is using a tablet with a pen in her hand
By Jess Wilson 09 Jun, 2024
What Will a Forensic Analysis of My Devices Show

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • Why Eventum Legal?

    Our lawyers have many years experience representing individuals accused of the most serious criminal offences.  Eventum Legal is a law firm that genuinely cares, as our client you will get exceptional honest legal advice and first class support. 

  • Where are your offices?

    We assist clients throughout the whole of England and Wales. Primarily our offices are in Manchester, but our lawyers travel nationwide to meet with our clients. In addition, we can regularly hold Teams/Zoom meetings where appropriate to do so. When choosing your legal representation, it does not have to be one you live closest to. Choosing a specialist lawyer can make a difference. 

  • How much will defending my case cost?

    Legal fees are understandably a consideration. The costs of defending your case vary, and it is dependent upon the nature of the allegations, the legal work involved and what stage your case is at. Our team provide clear and realistic information on fees specific to each individual case, you will get no suprises, and we can put payment plans in place to make financing your case as easy as possible for you. Please call our team to obtain further information on the financial aspects of funding your criminal case privately. 

  • Will my case be dropped?

    Many clients come to us from other firms who have told them that their case shouldn't or won't reach a court room and that it will be "dropped" however, the people who get to make this decision are not your lawyers. Our service pledge is that our advice will always be honest and relistic, it is only with this advice we and our client can properly work together to challenge the allegations made against them and get the best results at the earliest oppotunity. 

  • How long will it take for my case to finish?

    There are various factors that can impact the length of time it takes for a case to conclude or to reach court, such as; police forensic and court backlogs, the complexities of the case, and the nature of the allegations. At Eventum Legal we understand the worry and stress of waiting for outcomes during in criminal proceedings and believe that no matter how long the wait is you should always be informed and know exactly what is going on and what to expect. Contact us to discuss the circumstances of your case and our lawyers may be able to provide you with some guidance as to likely time frames and what what may happen next in your case. 

  • Will I get my money back if I win my case?

    The only way in which you may recieve costs back is if we successfuly obtain a Defence Costs Order from the court at the conclusion of your case, this can be subject to various factors and we can discuss those with you.  We appreciate the money that clients pay to finance their representation, and we have at the forefront of our minds the possibility of obtaining a proportion of this back for clients where we can. 

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